Self-understanding: An analytic End-result of Self-absorption

Saeed Shoja Shafti


Freud made many significant and important contributions to the understanding of the functioning of the human mind, but among the most enduring and influential is the concept of the dynamic unconscious. Despite controversies regarding the theoretical underpinnings of the unconscious, the substantial discovery of a level of unconscious functioning of the mind has remained as valid and unscathed as ever. While insight, as a main therapeutic goal, is similar to a passage between conscious awareness and unconscious motivations, self-understanding in the psychiatric evaluation, refers to the patient's understanding of how he or she is feeling, presenting, and functioning as well as the potential causes of his or her psychiatric presentation. Interpretation of dreams and free association are extremely important techniques that psychoanalysts make use of in order to get to the lowermost of a patient's conflicts. But it seems that there may also be an alternate  process that can result in a similar, though restricted, result, without any analyst, coach, session, contract, therapeutic alliance and so on, in a liable person who wants to analysis his/her inner psychological events. The succeeding case is a brilliant example in this regard who acknowledged part of his unconscious sphere by his own, based on a sequential occurrence of emotional interactions.


Psychoanalysis; Unconscious; Self-understanding.

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ISSN: 2035-4630, Open-acess, peer-reviewed Journal, Tribunale di Roma 142/09, 04/05/09 - dir. responsabile: G. Colajacomo

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