Qualitative or quantitative which allows the case of academic dishonesty?
Academic dishonesty is always interesting to be studied, the phenomenon is increasingly increasing even though regulations related to academic integrity have been made by each institution, including religious- based colleges. This study examines how academic dishonesty occurs in students studying in a religion- based college. Research focuses when working on thesis courses. The situation of working on a thesis is important because it is one of the final assignments of students and it has the highest credits. The phenomenological qualitative method is used to reveal more deeply the phenomenon. As many as 32 psychology students were respondents in this study. Data collection techniques using an open questionnaire form vignette and focus group discussion. Data is analyzed by interactive techniques. The results of the open questionnaire showed that 28.1% of students did academic dishonesty at the time of data collection, 18.8% at the time of data analysis and 3.1% when searching bibliography. While the results of the FGD stated that academic dishonesty was more in the quantitative rather than qualitative type of research with the form of changing data and making their own data according to the wishes of the supervisor without being known. Academic dishonesty was motivated by a number of factors including supervisor who did not direct the problem of finding library resources, following the demands of the supervisor, and not getting practical knowledge in analyzing research data. The implications of this research can be used as a background for making special academic integrity rules when working on a thesis.
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ISSN: 2035-4630, Open-acess, peer-reviewed Journal, Tribunale di Roma 142/09, 04/05/09 - dir. responsabile: G. Colajacomo
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