Teachers’ past academic dishonesty in their college

Herdian Herdian, Nuraeni Nuraeni, Dyah Siti Septiningsih


Academic dishonesty is always interesting to study in many institutions. Various previous studies have examined a lot of dishonesty in universities with different departments. This research examines how the experience of teachers currently teaching in educational institutions in Indonesia. Structured interviews were conducted on 9 teachers with different teaching backgrounds. the results of the study state that academic dishonesty has been carried out by the teacher in working on individual tasks, examinations in class and group assignments. The teacher also reported that he had committed academic dishonesty while working on the thesis and when the attendance was signed in class. The implications of this research can be used as evaluation material for universities to instill honesty values especially in the teacher training department.


academic dishonesty; essay; exam; teacher

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ISSN: 2035-4630, Open-acess, peer-reviewed Journal, Tribunale di Roma 142/09, 04/05/09 - dir. responsabile: G. Colajacomo

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