At the origins of the Italian psychoanalytic movement: Marco Levi Bianchini’s syncretism

Marzia Fasano, Riccardo Galiani, Stefania Napolitano


Marco Levi Bianchini, an Italian psychiatrist, Freud’s translator and correspondent, is an uncomfortable pioneer of psychoanalysis in Italy. The authors introduce a short overview of his psychoanalytic works, highlighting the peculiar blend of very different theoretical positions - sometimes even irreconcilable - such as Freudian meta-psychology and Lombroso’s criminology. The authors report several passages taken from the medical records compiled by Levi Bianchini when he was the Director of a psychiatric hospital, underlining the use of several psychoanalytic categories and their interpretation. This report shows the equivocal quality of Levy Bianchini’s interpretation of metapsychology, radically transformed by a syncretistic attitude.


Italian Psychoanalysis; Psychiatry; Positivism; Freud; Lombroso.

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ISSN: 2035-4630, Open-acess, peer-reviewed Journal, Tribunale di Roma 142/09, 04/05/09 - dir. responsabile: G. Colajacomo

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