Suwarti - Suwarti, Eraviana Vega Hapsari


This study aims to examine emotional regulation in mothers who have children with schizophrenia. Impaired psychological conditions result in negative emotions in the mother, so the ability to regulate positive emotions is needed.This study uses a case study approach. Primary informants consisting of 5 mothers who had children with schizophrenia and secondary informants such as 1 husband, 3 children, and 1 sister of primary informants. Data credibility uses source triangulation techniques which means comparing and checking the degree of trust of information obtained through different time and tools in qualitative research. Data analysis is carried out in the form of interactive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the five informants have different emotional regulation abilities. In the Strategies aspect informants W, R, E, S, and T ; they were feel sad, disappointed, angry, embarrassed and insecure about the condition of their child. In the Enganging aspect where informant T reduces anger by reflecting and staying silent in the room, informant A embraces his child so that the feeling becomes more calm, in informant E chooses to look for activities so as not to be carried away by feelings, while informant S just silences and accepts his child's condition. In the Control aspect where informants R and T, control feelings that occur by thinking about their child's recovery, in informant A choose to look for other activities, while informant E tells his parents and informant S turns attention to the others. In the Acceptance aspect, where informants W, R, E, and S can accept the condition of their child, while the informant T cannot accept the condition of their child. So from the results of the study concluded that mothers who have children with schizophrenia have positive or negative emotion regulation abilities.


Emotional regulation, mothers, schizophrenia

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ISSN: 2035-4630, Open-acess, peer-reviewed Journal, Tribunale di Roma 142/09, 04/05/09 - dir. responsabile: G. Colajacomo

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