Speech, Event, Desire: Psycho-Pedagogical Perspectives about the Symptom
The symptom, which plays a crucial role in the psychological sciences, in this study will be primarily approached from its ontological status: regarding the human being as a lingual being, the symptom will be seen as speech emerging from the unconscious or a device to be analyzed in its own language, made of rhetorical figures that suspend the arbitrary correlation between signifier and meaning. For the purposes of this study, it is crucial to sustain an ethical-pedagogical view: the symptom, dealing with the truth of the self, will be considered the base for a discourse centered on the subject. In this way, the reach of Care will be expanded, while a stance for the pedagogical action will be defined based on the transference dynamics activated in self-formation. In the analysis of subjectivation, intended as the process by which one becomes a subject, language reveals itself as a central point (even if it is not the only dimension involved), because it does not concern a mere question of transmission of information. In fact, the transference dynamics are founded on psychoanalytical issues dealing with desire, the keystone for interpreting a theoretical research guided by a Lacanian perspective in the psycho-pedagogical field.
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ISSN: 2035-4630, Open-acess, peer-reviewed Journal, Tribunale di Roma 142/09, 04/05/09 - dir. responsabile: G. Colajacomo
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