The tragedy of the subject in the birth of the world-society. About Edgar Morin

Sergio Manghi


In the important Morin’s work La Méthode, the autonomy (autos) of the subject is constituted, in each living being, by a dialogic tension between opposite/complementary polarities: the anonymous idem and the singularity of ipse. In the human subject, this tension is “tragically” unfinshed, and this implies the development of a very high creativity. The subject uninterruptly re-generates himself, together with the relational, social and ecological contexts he is a part of, through a complex cooperation/opposition between the sapiens and demens components of his body-brain-mind. The challenge of the present time, characterized by the birth of an entirely new kind of socio-ecological context, the world-society, is the birth of a new kind of human subjectivity.


Edgar Morin; Subject; Sapens/Demens; Complexity; World-Society

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ISSN: 2035-4630, Open-acess, peer-reviewed Journal, Tribunale di Roma 142/09, 04/05/09 - dir. responsabile: G. Colajacomo

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